
Most Refreshing Types Of Pale Ales To Savor

‘Pale Lager’ in some circles seems to have gotten a bad rap due to the style’s association in the minds of many with mass-produced beers. Although it is a style that has been around forever. With a slightly hopped character, Pale Lager is prized for its clean, fresh, crisp, and oftentimes dry.

Commonly brewed with noble hops and Pilsner malts, Pale Lager does contain adjuncts like rice, flaked wheat, corn, and other ingredients. Some of the highly refreshing and crushable adjunct lagers like bocks, Dortmunder Export, Helles lagers, and other varieties also include pilsners. However, Pale Lagers are perfect for summer due to their refreshing, easy-to-drink flavor profile.

Types of Pale Ales in India

IPAs or Pale Ales in India are one of the most popular beer styles on the craft beer scene today. You would not have failed to notice the ever-growing number of IPAs on the shelves of your local beer shop unless you have been living under a rock for the last two decades. The beer industry, in fact, is on and coming up with new monikers for each category of beer as such.

What is an IPA?

Indian Pale Ale is a style of beer whose history predates the craft beer movement. It goes way back to the days of the British in the 18th century when no beer was being produced in India. So the colonizers had to import it from the United Kingdom. These were the days before quick air travel was available. It meant that the beer had to endure a long ocean passage where it was likely to spoil before arriving. 

British brewers, therefore, added more hops and increased the percentage of alcohol to avoid spoiling. The antibiotic properties along with the oils in the hops aided in preventing contamination. Significantly, it acted as a preservative to increase the shelf life of the beer. Hence, the IPA style was born and Pale Ale became the beer that was sent to India.

IPA with higher alcohol content is an over-hopped Pale Ale along with a bolder flavor. The intense fruity flavors or hop aromas together with accompanying bitterness define IPAs that reach dizzying levels of up to 70 international bitterness units (IBUs). There are so many types of IPAs on the market now. Some of these IPAs have a clean, crisp taste with hints of pine or flora, while others have a citrusy and earthy taste. 

The wide variety of hops that are now available means that innovative brewers have a wider selection of bounces to experiment with.

Types of IPAs

The BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program), a trade body in the U.S. has identified nine distinct types of Pale Ales in India. Nevertheless, more are added to the market each day. But these are the ones the BJCP officially recognizes.

Other Types Of IPAs

We have focused on the “official” types of IPAs so far. However, there are many more subcategories of IPAs emerging all the time. Some more common IPAs found at the craft beer bar or your local beer shop may also include the following:

Top Pale Ales the World Over

We went to the professionals once again to enquire about top Pale Ales the world over. We asked some well-known beer experts and brewers. Here is a short list of their picks as the most refreshing pale lagers to drink this summer amongst classic American staples, the old-school European, and other Pale Ale interpretations in equal measure. You now have no excuse this pool season for not having a cold crispy boy within easy crushing distance.

Spoiled for Choice: Concluding IPA

Undoubtedly one of the favorite beers of Americans nowadays, we are really spoiled by choice with the amount of IPAs in the marketplace. However, many of the times the descriptive tags make it confusing which one to choose for the consumer.

The list above has tried to cover most major types of IPAs on the market nowadays. It is to help you navigate the minefield. Please let us know if we have missed your favorite, or an important type of IPA that should have been on the list.

But don’t forget to go forth and enjoy IPA style drinks as you can lay your hands on. You will love many of these IPAs if you really love hops. We have recently celebrated the National IPA Day on Aug. 4th, 2022, let the spirit linger on!

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